Number sense
Number sense
Number sense
Number sense is considered as an innate numeracy skill, which not only humans but also some animals, such as fish and birds have. As the name says, it refers to sense of numbers. Number sense enables us to estimate the number of cars on the parking lot without counting them on-by-one, or to tell whether there are more people queueing in one line or in the other one.
It has been proposed that we use a system called approximate number system, ANS, when estimating magnitudes (e.g. object or dots) approximately, or making comparisons of numbers (1).
When testing what kind of number sense an individual has, researchers often use tasks, in which you need to compare a number of dots or number symbols. Those who have a good number sense often respond quicker and more accurately in these tasks compared to those with weaker number sense.
Look at the pictures.
Can you quickly estimate which of the pictures has more dots?
Number sense is considered as an innate numeracy skill, which not only humans but also some animals, such as fish and birds have. As the name says, it refers to sense of numbers. Number sense enables us to estimate the number of cars on the parking lot without counting them on-by-one, or to tell whether there are more people queueing in one line or in the other one.
It has been proposed that we use a system called approximate number system, ANS, when estimating magnitudes (e.g. object or dots) approximately, or making comparisons of numbers (1).
When testing what kind of number sense an individual has, researchers often use tasks, in which you need to compare a number of dots or number symbols. Those who have a good number sense often respond quicker and more accurately in these tasks compared to those with weaker number sense.
Look at the pictures.
Can you quickly estimate which of the pictures has more dots?
Number sense is considered as an innate numeracy skill, which not only humans but also some animals, such as fish and birds have. As the name says, it refers to sense of numbers. Number sense enables us to estimate the number of cars on the parking lot without counting them on-by-one, or to tell whether there are more people queueing in one line or in the other one.
It has been proposed that we use a system called approximate number system, ANS, when estimating magnitudes (e.g. object or dots) approximately, or making comparisons of numbers (1).
When testing what kind of number sense an individual has, researchers often use tasks, in which you need to compare a number of dots or number symbols. Those who have a good number sense often respond quicker and more accurately in these tasks compared to those with weaker number sense.
Look at the pictures.
Can you quickly estimate which of the pictures has more dots?
iFeelMath project
iFeelMath is a 4-year Academy of Finland consortium project between Åbo Akademi University and University of Oulu. We investigate the developmental and situational dynamics of math anxiety and math performance among primary-school students, between Grades 4–6, and develop some interventions for reducing math anxiety.
To investigate the developmental dynamics between math performance and math anxiety
To investigate the situational dynamics between math performance and math anxiety, using also physiological measures (e.g., skin conductance)
To develop and test the effectiveness of brief classroom interventions to support students with high math anxiety
Consortium leader: Professor Johan Korhonen, Åbo Akademi University, Finland
Co-leader: Professor Riikka Mononen, University of Oulu, Finland
Postdoctoral Researcher: Anna Tapola (PhD), Åbo Akademi University, Finland
Postdoctoral Researcher: Pinja Jylänki (PhD), University of Oulu, Finland
Professor Bert Jonsson, University of Umeå, Sweden
Reader Silke Göbel, York University, UK
Advisory board:
Professor Lars-Erik Malmberg, University of Oxford, UK
Professor Kerry Lee, The Education University of Hong Kong, China
Academy of Finland (09/2022–08/2026)