Number sense
Number sense
Number sense
Number sense is considered as an innate numeracy skill, which not only humans but also some animals, such as fish and birds have. As the name says, it refers to sense of numbers. Number sense enables us to estimate the number of cars on the parking lot without counting them on-by-one, or to tell whether there are more people queueing in one line or in the other one.
It has been proposed that we use a system called approximate number system, ANS, when estimating magnitudes (e.g. object or dots) approximately, or making comparisons of numbers (1).
When testing what kind of number sense an individual has, researchers often use tasks, in which you need to compare a number of dots or number symbols. Those who have a good number sense often respond quicker and more accurately in these tasks compared to those with weaker number sense.
Look at the pictures.
Can you quickly estimate which of the pictures has more dots?
Number sense is considered as an innate numeracy skill, which not only humans but also some animals, such as fish and birds have. As the name says, it refers to sense of numbers. Number sense enables us to estimate the number of cars on the parking lot without counting them on-by-one, or to tell whether there are more people queueing in one line or in the other one.
It has been proposed that we use a system called approximate number system, ANS, when estimating magnitudes (e.g. object or dots) approximately, or making comparisons of numbers (1).
When testing what kind of number sense an individual has, researchers often use tasks, in which you need to compare a number of dots or number symbols. Those who have a good number sense often respond quicker and more accurately in these tasks compared to those with weaker number sense.
Look at the pictures.
Can you quickly estimate which of the pictures has more dots?
Number sense is considered as an innate numeracy skill, which not only humans but also some animals, such as fish and birds have. As the name says, it refers to sense of numbers. Number sense enables us to estimate the number of cars on the parking lot without counting them on-by-one, or to tell whether there are more people queueing in one line or in the other one.
It has been proposed that we use a system called approximate number system, ANS, when estimating magnitudes (e.g. object or dots) approximately, or making comparisons of numbers (1).
When testing what kind of number sense an individual has, researchers often use tasks, in which you need to compare a number of dots or number symbols. Those who have a good number sense often respond quicker and more accurately in these tasks compared to those with weaker number sense.
Look at the pictures.
Can you quickly estimate which of the pictures has more dots?
Master's theses
Hægeland, K. R. & Younesi, M. (2022). Mathematical development in different performance groups. Longitudinal study on the development of symbolic numerical magnitude processing, arithmetic skills, and interest in mathematics from first to third grade. (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. Abstract (PDF)
Lindberg, B. (2022). Matematiske prestasjons- og emosjonsprofiler. En kvantitativ tverrsnittsstudie av prestasjoner og emosjoner i matematikk til norske tredjeklassinger og profilenes kjønnsfordeling. (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. Abstract (PDF)
Svenningsen, H. M. & Skakun, A. E. (2022). Longitudinell studie av sammenhengen mellom arbeidsminne, leseflyt, og matematiske ferdigheter. Kvantitativ studie av arbeidsminne og leseflyt som prediktorer for matematiske ferdigheter hos elever i 3.trinn. (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. Abstract (PDF)
Känsäkoski, M. (2022). Matematiikka-ahdistus ja sen yhteys matematiikan osaamiseen norjalaisilla kolmasluokkalaisilla. (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Oulu, Finland. Abstract (PDF)
Hansen, E. S. & Pettersen, M. S. (2021). Domenespesifikke og -generelle risikomarkører for aritmetiske vansker. En kvantitativ studie om forskjeller mellom lavt- og typiskpresterende elever i aritmetikk. (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. Abstract (PDF)
Latifi, A. (2021). Reseptiv grammatikk og aritmetiske tekstoppgaver. En kvantitativ studie om sammenhengen mellom reseptiv grammatikk i førsteklasse og ferdigheter i aritmetiske tekstoppgaver i tredjeklasse. (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. Abstract (PDF)
Le, T. T. (2021). Emosjoner i matematikk. En kvantitativ studie om elevers emosjoner i matematikk – ulike evaluatorer, ulike perspektiver. (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. Abstract (PDF)
Tømmerbakke, M. S. (2021). Risikofaktorer for aritmetiske vansker. En kvantitativ studie om forskjellene i telling, språk og hurtig benevning mellom lavt- og typiskpresterende elever i aritmetikk. (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. Abstract (PDF)
Granum, I. (2020). Sammenheng mellom aritmetiske ferdigheter og motivasjon. En kvantitativ tverrsnittstudie av andreklassingers profiler (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. Abstract (PDF)
Holo, J. E. (2020). Vokabular som prediktor for aritmetiske ferdigheter. En longitudinell studie av første- og andreklassinger (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. Abstract (PDF)
Kiani, E. S. (2020). Matematikkangst, aritmetiske prestasjoner og arbeidsminne. En kvantitativ studie om forholdet mellom matematikkangst og aritmetiske prestasjoner, og arbeidsminnets medierende rolle (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. Abstract (PDF)
Skillebæk, T. (2020). Working memory as a predictor of arithmetic fluency and word problem solving (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. Abstract (PDF)
Tveiten, K. (2020). Profiles of motivation and arithmetic performance. Change and stability from first to second grade (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. Abstract (PDF)